The world's largest and most experienced flower delivery network reached out to Maynard Leigh for support in developing the communication and leadership impact of a group of thirty middle managers who, although capable in their functional areas, needed to improve the impact they created with colleagues at all levels in the organisation, particularly those senior to them.
These middle managers were operating in an intense environment where everyone was trying so hard not to make mistakes, it was getting in the way of a creative flow of working.
Drawing on many years of experience in working with these particular areas of development, we put together a proposal which combined elements of two of our core courses - Boardroom Presence and Personal Impact. The amalgamation of both courses resulted in a bespoke, one day workshop, called Leadership Presence and Impact.
During the workshop we focused on helping the attendees learn how to use their authentic style and clarify the impact they wanted to have. We also practised a number of exercises to empower the managers in feeling more confident when addressing a room of senior leaders, and more assured when speaking across a range of situations and in certain circumstances.
All participants reported they found the experience, style and content engaging, and appreciated the interactivity and nature of the methods used.
"The leader was energetic and inclusive. I gained great insight into areas I needed to improve, and then how to achieve this. Well worth attending!"